A Soul Care Minute Broadcast

Hey friends,

I am so excited to announce to you that A Soul Care Minute is back! When my house was lost in a tragic fire in 2017 I needed to take the time to grieve and to also discover who I was now, in light of this tragedy.  To also allow the suffering to have its perfect work of interpersonal transformation. So much has happened these last four years in my own life and also across our world that has re-affirmed to me the necessity of finding  sacred space, pausing to be present, and taking the opportunity to heal the soul, refresh the spirit and intentionally engage in a healing way- a world that seems to have shifted overnight into something almost unrecognizable.   My hope is that you will join with me in this journey of personal exploration and community transformation. That you will pause with me in the middle of our busy week and allow the  reminder, in the midst of the chaos, that peace was prepared for us before ever our war was, and allow this reminder  to shape us into healers and givers of hope.

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